18 Jul 2016

Essential Product Design Tips for Successful New Product Development

While all the steps in new product development are important, one particular step demands more focus. It is the product design step. One of the primary product design tips in new product development cycle, product design of the conceived product factors toward the success of the final product. Product design affects the manufacturability as well as the cost of manufacturing too! For that reason, a little more attention is needed when designing a product.

Here are top three Product Design Tips to consider when designing a product. The tips are based on our years of experience in the field of product design and development and are overall the best tips to take into consideration as you begin your venture into new product development.

Product Design Tips

Keep it Simple

One of the top Product Design Tips is to keep the design of your conceived product as simple as possible. The best product designs are those that just form a seamless connection between function and design. If the design of your product is complicated, it will be difficult to manufacture it. It will also increase the cost of manufacturing. Apart from these issues, if such a complicatedly-designed product is brought into the market, the potential customers will probably alienate it, resulting in total failure of the product. The goal of a good product design is to entice customers with an ergonomically-friendly design that seems easy to use.

For successful product design, it is essential to collaborate with an intelligent team that can create a simple, yet attractive and functional design that allows easy and economical manufacturing. These Product Design Tips can help streamline the process and ensure efficiency.


There is no need to reinvent the wheel applying Product Design Tips. Customers often prefer that you do not reinvent the wheel. Before designing your product, it is necessary that you conduct an extensive market research. Find out the competitors’ products that are on the market. See which features the customers like and dislike for those products. You would want your product to have only likable features – right?

When conducting the research, note down all the new features and functions you can implement in the design of your conceived product. Also, keep in mind that you do not change certain things that are familiar to the customers. For instance, it would be a terrible idea to change the order of the accelerator, brake, and clutch (ABC) in a car. People are already familiar with the default pattern, and changing it will result in instant rejection.

Prototyping and Testing

Although, product prototyping and testing are two entirely different steps that come later down in the product development cycle, they do have a connection with the product design phase. Product prototyping and testing make it possible to detect flaws or defects in the product design. Therefore, you need to create prototypes so that they can be tested to find flaws. Once the flaws are detected, you should eliminate them and then create a new product design. Based on the new product design, build and test the prototype again. You need to repeat this process until you achieve a definitive product design.

Today, because of the advanced technologies, prototype development and testing have become virtual, in a 3D computer-generated world. Nevertheless, there are still instances when you need to develop and test physical prototypes to detect the flaws and make the final product better.

You will also need to build product prototypes to give it to people for their suggestions. Based on their suggestions, you may need to alter the product design and create new prototypes again. Of course, this is a tedious process, but it is vital to achieve a flawless product design.

There is nothing easy about product design. For successful product designs, massive skills and experience are needed; skills and experience like GID Development Corporation has.

We are one of the leading California Product Design Companies, USA. We have decades of experience in the field, and have delivered thriving product design solutions to our clients (inventors) in the US and worldwide.

Along with product design, we provide rapid prototyping, product development, product manufacturing, and other product fulfillment services. No matter how complex the product concept is, we will help you realize it. To learn more, visit https://www.gidcompany.com.

Have any questions regarding Product Design Tips? We are offering a 15-minute, FREE telephonic consultation. Just call Jim Grimes at 714-323-1052 between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST.

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