31 Jan 2014

Are you Inventors looking to turn your idea into a market-ready profitable product? if yes, a good Custom Product Manufacturer Can Make a Big Difference.

Inventors are truly innovative, aspiring individuals. They just see an ordinary problem and immediately visualize a practical solution to that problem. Oftentimes, however, these inventors take a difficult path to bring their ingenious innovation to the attention of prospective buyers.  An efficient business planning course will address such issues as expenditure and prospective return on investment, which have to be at least two folds the cost of product manufacturing. In this volatile economy, an additional goal should be to realize the innovation in such a manner as to reduce the risks to any licensing company.

Without the assistance of a good custom product manufacturer or in more general sense, a product development company, inventors may have to spend a significant amount on an invention patent and an equal or more on fruitless prototyping, only to find that the concept is not viable or too expensive to mass produce. Hiring the services of a reliable custom product manufacturer, you will be able to take the rough sketch you drew on a tissue paper and help create it into a tangible product with promising readiness for the marketplace. Below are three important steps to take along the way.


Your unique idea will be developed or sculpted by a product designer or modeled in CATIA (Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application). This step helps the custom product manufacturer to assess your idea for feasibility. A Good custom product manufacturer evaluates the feasibility of an idea from many perspectives like – Does the idea really provide a solution to a problem? (Before wasting large sums on prototyping, you will need to answer this question first). Can the idea be manufactured or mass manufactured? In addition, does your idea have financial feasibility, meaning will it yield adequate return on your total investment?

A reputed or a good custom product manufacturer will allocate an experienced product development team with personnel from engineering, manufacturing, quality, testing, marketing, and other disciplines to work with you on your idea. This team will address everything about your invention, from design and prototype development through production and marketing.

Market Approach

What good is it to spend a significant sum of money on, prototyping and patenting an idea, which does not have any promising chance, to find a ready market? You might be thinking about your amazing invention for many years, and you are sure that everyone will accept it. This may be true, but evaluating the market substantially and objectively is a good idea. Are you entirely sure that your idea is hundred percent unique? Someone might already have that idea and got the invention in the market. In such situations, a different approach is the best solution.

An experienced product development company will utilize qualitative and quantitative methods (market testing) to help improve your amazing product, distinguish it, and boost it to reach potential customers.

The Things Potential Buyers Need

Potential buyers need several things before they can fully understand the true value of your invention. They will certainly want to know that you have come up with a product forecast on the grounds of engineering analysis and market feedback. They will want to know whether your invention and its manufacturing processes are authentic. They will even want to know that you have acquired all the essential approvals and certifications.

Additional things to support the invention may include various manufacturing analysis info, thesis on your materials and technology selection, and a case study. Further, operating instructions, maintenance manuals, and end-user documentation may also be necessary.

Partner With a Good Custom Product Manufacturer

Working with a good custom product manufacturer is the best and economical way to develop these things and materialize the idea you once drew on a tissue paper into a tangible product with high value in the market. Choosing a good custom product manufacturer is important, too. You will surely be spending significant time, effort, and money, and that is why, you will need to find the right custom product manufacturer for you and your brilliant idea.

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