04 Feb 2014

Professional Product Design Services: Affordable Solutions

As a professional product design and research consultancy, we live and breathe the world of industrial design, additive manufacturing, and Medical Device Design. If you’re looking for affordable product design solutions to bring your idea or concept to life, feel free to communicate with our expert designers who will be happy to assist you.

Affordable Product Design Services in California: Boost Your Sales Graph Vertically

Whether you’re an individual, start-up, small or mid-sized company, or a multinational brand, we provide affordable product design services to meet your needs and help turn your ideas into profitable products. We listen carefully to every idea because we believe that no idea is too small. At GID Company, our services include concept design, product design, applied industrial design, industrial design, product manufacturing, research, 3D printing, and rapid prototyping.

We understand the importance of ideal product design in custom product manufacturing. Our team knows how to translate the right ideas into market-ready products. We are committed to creativity and love helping clients and partners across various industries design and manufacture their products. You can hire our skilled and experienced product designers who have successfully delivered affordable product designs for a myriad of markets and industries.

Different Phases of Affordable Product Design @ GID Company

Thorough Research: The success or failure of product development directly relates to the design of the product. Therefore, we prioritize thorough research when devising a design for your concept. According to our product designers, a good industrial product design considers user needs, market forces, material processes, constraints, and manufacturing requirements. For successful product manufacturing, we ensure none of these factors are compromised.

Concept Creation: In the second phase of product design and development, our creative team collaborates to generate feasible ideas based on the research data. This phase focuses on translating research insights into actionable design concepts.

Concept Design Realization via CATIA: This stage connects concept creation and product prototype development. The ideas from the concept creation phase are turned into photorealistic representations using CATIA V6, the most advanced 3D Virtual Design and Engineering Software available today, to provide a clear understanding of features and functions.

Product Prototype Development: This critical phase allows us to test the performance and integrity of the design. Our team excels in rapid prototyping, enabling us to prototype almost anything, small or large, in various materials using the latest technologies.

At GID Company, our team of creative product designers, qualified engineers, and skilled project managers oversee product development at every phase. We are dedicated to manufacturing world-class, cost-effective products. Our unique stage-by-stage approach allows clients to work with us throughout the entire development cycle.

Our affordable product design services in California cater to a wide range of custom product designing and manufacturing needs. No job is too small or too big for us. Share your concept with us today.

Why Not Get in Touch with Us? Let our team of product designers assist you in your exciting product design and development journey. Let’s make it happen, Contact us, or call us at +1-714-323-1052. Also, follow us on Facebook.

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