18 Jan 2016

Successfully Introduce a New Product in Today’s Market

A couple of decades ago, entrepreneurs and small companies had to do everything themselves when they wanted to introduce a new product in the market. These days, as the technology advances and people demanding more and more revolutionary products, doing everything in-house may not prove to be possible, at least, economically.

Outsourcing: A Smart Approach to Introduce a New Product

Hiring the right resources, that is, product design experts, product development engineers, prototyping geniuses, marketing gurus, sales whizzes, etc., on a full-time basis, is incredibly expensive, especially for entrepreneurs and small companies. Fortunately, these days, there are several good American product design and product development companies established to whom these small companies and entrepreneurs can turn to when it comes to introducing new products in the market. Outsourcing most of the requirements is a prudent solution, allowing entrepreneurs to get the very best, and only pay the outsource partner when they need its assistance. Here are some of the functions that an entrepreneur can outsource:

Product Design & Product Development

Unless you are a skilled engineer, experienced with creating new products, you will certainly want to outsource the processes of product design and development of your potential product. Even if you are a good engineer, many projects need multiple engineers with multiple skill sets. For instance, any electromechanical product typically needs, at least, a mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer, and an industrial designer who can create a suitable casing or enclosure for the potential product. If your concept is for a product with embedded software, you will definitely need a software engineer.

Further, if a certain portion of an electrical product, mechanical product, electromechanical product, medical device product, or any other product, is complex, you may need multiple engineers with different skill sets. Having such engineers permanently is expensive and not impractical, as you will not need them frequently. For that reason, outsourcing product design and product development is the best approach to introduce a new product.

Product Prototype Development

Product prototype development is another important function that you may want to outsource. Similar to product design and product development, product prototype development is a difficult process, which requires experience, multiple skill sets, and adequate product prototyping software and equipment. Having full-time product prototyping experts with vast experience and multiple skill sets is again very expensive. Further, acquiring product prototyping software and equipment is also costly. For that reason, outsourcing product prototype development makes sense when you want to introduce a new product.

Bulk Manufacturing

When you introduce a new product, bulk manufacturing is one of those important functions that you should certainly consider outsourcing. Bulk manufacturing a new product means establishing a suitable-size facility, procuring expensive manufacturing equipment, setting up an assembly line, hiring different personnel, and so on. This involves a colossal investment, which may simply prove impractical or impossible for small companies and entrepreneurs. Outsourcing bulk manufacturing drastically reduces expenses as well as risks.

It will be in the best interest to outsource bulk manufacturing to a USA-based company that is capable of small production runs. Once things start to flow smoothly, you can turn to an Asian manufacturer to raise your profit margins.


Marketing should be the least likely function to be outsourced. No one can do better marketing of your product than yourself. This function should be performed in-house. You can hire several marketing consultants who may perform some research and offer good marketing guidance. Having an in-house marketing team will also provide you a good control over your marketing efforts. Still, if you are a startup with limited capital, you can consider outsourcing the marketing to a specialized agency.


Similar to bulk manufacturing, this is another crucial function that you should consider outsourcing. Sales representatives or manufacturers’ representatives are an important component in just about every industry. They typically work on a commission, so you do not have to pay them anything until they truly generate sales. It is really a prudent decision to outsource sales.

Outsourcing sales function not only saves money, but it also helps you establish and connect to the wide sales network channels. Selling a new product to distributors and wholesalers usually requires a strong connection, which you will certainly gain by outsourcing to sales representatives.

Well, these are certain functions that are worth outsourcing when you introduce a new product. Some product design and product development companies in the USA can carry out all the functions on your behalf. For instance, check out GID Development Corporation. A vastly experienced product design and product development company in California, USA, GID Development Corporation provides complete A – Z services, from introduce a new product design to product fulfilment and everything in between. Whether you want to take a new medical device product, new electromechanical product or any other type of product to the market, GID Development Corporation will assist in every phase to introduce a new product successfully. Learn more about GID Development Corporation.

Currently, the leading product design and development company in the US, GID Development Corporation is offering a free 15-minute telephonic consultation with one of the veterans, Jim Grimes. You can call Jim at 714-323-1052 between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST. Also, follow us on Facebook.


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