07 May 2014

Product Prototype Development is crucial because almost every day, a new product hits the store shelves with the aim to earn name, fame, and of course dollars in the commercial market. However, have you ever wondered what went into getting the greatest and the latest slotted into the marketplace. Every product, before you rest your eyes on them, undergoes a lengthy and vigorous evolution process. There are some quality checkpoints that a product to be developed has to clear on its way to hitting the market, and they are the product design phase, the product prototyping phase, and the final, bulk manufacturing phase.

For entrepreneurs¸ after you have an innovative idea for a new product, you need to determine all the details. Here we would like to share some practical questions, which you should ask yourself before you make any move:

  1. What are the new product’s attributes and characteristics?
  2. What is new in the product that others on the market don’t offer?
  3. What is the purpose or function of the new product?
  4. Do we need any new technology to produce the product?
  5. What is the product’s lifespan?
  6. How and where it will be manufactured, packaged, marketed and sold?
  7. How much will be the manufacturing cost, and how much will people willing to pay for the product?
  8. Are there any issues with the product concerning government regulations, safety, and environmental issues, patent infringements, or other possible hang-ups?

Luckily, if you get the green light from the above questions, you are perhaps ready to begin thinking about developing a product prototype. Depending upon your product design, different types of prototypes can be helpful at different stages of the product development process. If you recognize your product still has some concerns, for a while, you might experience difficulties between modifying design plans and rough prototyping. A product prototype development is extremely necessary before you move on to the final development stage.

Whether to Prototype a Concept or Not?

Product prototyping is nothing dangerous; it is just a process of creating a functional and easily alterable model that allows us to test the expected features of the product to be developed. It can be done at any phase of new product development. Normally, it is conducted before the start of the bulk manufacturing process to conclude whether the idea is achievable, and beneficial for the targeted end-users or not.

A product prototype development at the beginning allows product development companies and entrepreneurs to conclude what specifications are required and what features are supposed to be included in a successful product. Meanwhile, by conducting prototyping, product development companies will have a chance to check whether a product is meeting all the features and specifications, and will have the opportunity to upgrade its characteristics for the better output.

Product Prototype Development, when conducted in later stage, helps in determining problems and possible solutions on the functionality of the product’s design. It allows key changes to be made and numerous solutions to be implemented just before the final product version is released. A product prototype can be used to lessen the communication gap between an entrepreneur and the potential end-users and financiers. Ultimately, it improves the chances of success.

Nowadays, prototype is also used to explain misconceptions about the product, guarantee output quality, handle modifications, address various product kinks, collect valid specifications, and to boost user interaction. For now, as the product prototype development is a significant stage in product manufacturing, ensure you do it at the right time and at the right place by using the professional tools to achieve a successful and usable prototype. Remember, only a successful prototype allows you to test the functionality of the product and evaluate a suggested product interface.


It is suggested to go for product prototype development, as it amplifies the rate of success. It allows entrepreneurs to compare different product designs, explore the results of design alterations, identify market requirements and involves end-users and financiers. It is necessary for an out-of-the-box product development.

Product prototyping can bring your product to life in style, as well as help you test the product before moving into the final manufacturing stage. Product prototype development services in California by GID are best for investors and entrepreneurs who want to develop and launch new products into the marketplace. To explore our expertise in prototype development, please visit our portfolio, or to share your concept, feel free to contact us.

For more information about Prototyping , please contact GID Company. GID is a plastic product manufacturer located in California. They excel in every aspect of plastic product manufacturing to cut down production time, especially, when there is a strict deadline for a product. Also, follow us on Facebook.

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