09 Dec 2014

Consider New Product Development :

The year 2014 was quite competitive for businesses, and the competition is expected to reach new heights in the year 2015. Therefore, every business needs to innovate in order to survive and to stay ahead of the competition. Offering the same unchanged products to your customers will decrease your profit margin as well as the reputation of your brand in the respective market. Here, we will summarize some facts about why a company should consider new product development after a periodic interval of time.

Customers “Needs and Wants” Change– Customers’ requirements and necessities continuously change with the time. Therefore, to survive, a company should answer these changes through their services and innovative products. If they fail to cope up with the “Needs and Wants” of their customers, the customers will instantly switch to competitors’ products that meet their requirements and necessities. The tech-giants Google and Apple are the best example. Both of them frequently update their product offerings to satisfy end users’ requirements. This is why it is vital to consider new product development.

Life Cycle of a Product– Every product comes with an expiration date. The product that you introduced a ways back may be at the end of its life cycle; therefore, as a smart entrepreneur, you should launch new and improved to please and attract your customers. For example, Apple Inc. recently introduced iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus as iPhone 5 and 5s were outdated, and end-users were waiting for something amazing and incredible. This highlights why businesses should always consider new product development.

Product Reaches its Maturity Stage– Technology has penetrated in every industry, helping them create innovative and more functional products in less time. Because of this penetration, products very soon reach their maturity stage. End-users also constantly search for innovative products with version updates and new features. Introducing new or updated products can stimulate sales. Thus, companies should consider new product development to stay relevant.

Level of Competition in the Respective Market– Either small, medium or large, the level of competition around every business is constantly intensifying. A healthy competition inspires a company to come up with new products regularly. This is very common in the technology market, where new products with advanced features are constantly being launched to a target market that welcomes innovation and change. If a product successful, then competitors will try to create a similar product with better features. Hence, it is crucial to consider new product development.

Unsuccessful Products– Unfortunately, if your products are facing poor sales or experiencing negative reviews, then it is time to upgrade your product offering. This is another reason why it is important to consider new product development.

Despite the size of your business, new product development is a significant activity for every business. There are many over the top advantages of product development, but the most important ones are it allows you to stay ahead of the competition. To know more about why a company should consider new product development in 2015, contact the GID Development Corporation at www.gidcompany.com/contact-us. Also, follow us on Facebook.

While considering these facts, businesses should also look into Product Development and Factors to Consider Before New Product Development, which will help them create a new product to survive and to stay ahead of the competition. Therefore, always remember to consider new product development as a key strategy for business growth and sustainability.


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